Rookie: Never ever
If you’ve never been on a bike before, that’s OK! Everyone has to start somewhere! This progression teaches how to get on the bike, where to put your feet on the pedals, what the gears do and how to shift, using other bike components correctly, where to look and ride, how to safely stop and dismount on various terrain.
Skills 1: MTB Essentials
This progression reviews the skills required for all levels of riders to improve their technique! Includes body position and weight distribution on the bike, high vs. low ready positions, 3 types of body-bike separation, how brakes work and techniques for braking, introduction to cornering and turns.
Skills 2: Switchbacks and cornerings
Skills 3: OBSTACLES and drops
Tips for how to ride various types of obstacles, including beams and skinnies, ramps of various steepness up and down, log rolls, and small rock gardens. Hone your technique on smaller obstacles before moving on to the bigger and badder stuff, which you will now ride with more finesse after this progression. This new technique for riding drops and steep transitions will change your life!
Skills 4: Wheels off the ground
Learn to get those wheels off the ground to begin flying on the bike instead of off of it! Progression includes where to compress the bike for front wheel lifts, rear wheel lifts, and both wheel lifts. Includes tricks for making manuals easier to conquer, as well as an introduction to various types of bunny hops.
Skills 5: Jumping
Wheels Off the Ground required prior to jumping. Using ramps specifically designed for this type of progression, riders will learn how to take off, arc, and land a jump. Then, the tabletop between ramps will be removed to introduce gap jumps. As rider technique improves, the gap widens – as do the smiles on the races of the jumpers!